Christ instructed the disciples "see that your flight from Jerusalem be not on a Shabbat day, nor in the winter", meaning: depart from destructive places, yet do not depart from the 10 commandments of God, written with the finger of God in the tablets of stone in the fiery and thundering mountain, when the people said to Moses "let not God speak to us, but speak thou unto us, least we die".
Word of God
The gospel and the revealed word of God must be preached, for the salvation of souls and the manifestation of the power and glory of the Almighty God of Heaven. To worship Him is our true calling and purpose, like Jesus said "true worshippers worship in spirit and truth, and the Father seeks those who do so". For "without me you can do nothing", we cannot receive anything, nor do anything outside of God's calling and path, Whom leads us to still waters and green pastures for our souls, while, otherwise we would follow the path of rebellious Israel, who roamed the barren desert in circles for 40 years.
Recovery Ministry
The gospel of Christ, where gospel means "good news" is that - if God can resurrect the dead among us, literally in a funeral ceremony or in a morgue, what other illness or problems among us He cannot solve? Therefore, there is healing in faith for all illness and health or emotional problems, like addiction in alcohol, drug addiction, depression, cancer, diabetes, AIDS, psychological and emotional disturbances and traumas, and all other illness men's science does not have the adequate or any treatment. "Seek the kingdom of heaven and its righteousness and all these things shall be added to you", "for with God all things are possible".
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